What is
Venturing? Venturing is the Boy Scouts of America’s young adult program designed to build character, promote citizenship,
and develop personal and mental fitness. Each crew is responsible for achieving these goals through its own program by focusing on six experience areas;
Citizenship, Leadership, Service, Social, Outdoors and Fitness.
Who can
The Venturing program is
open to young adults ages 14 (and have completed
the eighth grade) through 20 years old. Adults
may serve on the Crew’s Committee and
participate in events as troopers. Scouts with troops may participate at age 13.
Send us Your Intent
to Join or questions about weekend outings!!
Fill out the
form on the left taking extra care on the
contact information (note most fields are
required) and then click the Submit
button. Upon receipt and review, we will send
you an application form by postal mail for you
to return as soon as possible. In the meantime,
please read through
the Crew Guide
and visit our Yahoo Forum. |