Have questions?
Visit Our Yahoo Group/Forum!
You can contact us
on our Yahoo forum to ask the crew specific
questions about joining, about venturing or
about most anything related to these topics. The
web site URL is:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crew1872/ To
participate in this forum you need to be a yahoo
groups member or have a yahoo ID. To sign up
with Yahoo, go to the topmost tool bar on the
Crew's or any Yahoo page and click the Sign Up
What are the costs
to be totally involved with Venturing Crew 1872?
Membership and Dues are $30.00 per year. Uniforms and Equipment
cost $200 to $400 and may be purchased over
time. Activities and cost of food and supplies may
be shared at most events; usually about $20.00. These
are the incidental
costs such as food, transportation, etc. to
group venturing events. |