The Venture
Crew represents a Company of 50 men that
typically have 3 officers and a number of
non-commissioned officers. The Crew Adviser will
serve as Captain and his two assistants as
Lieutenants. All other adults will support the
crew by representing privates.
Venture Crew 1872 elects “Non-Commissioned
Officers” from the youth membership. The First
Sergeant will serve as Crew President or Senior
Patrol Leader. Other NCOs will be assigned
details as
needed to care for crew arms and equipment.
Sergeants and Corporals will serve as Platoon
Leaders and act as Patrol Leaders and Assistant
Patrol Leaders. All other members, youth and
adult, will be Troopers.
Members are able to work towards the
Venturing Bronze, Gold and Silver award as well
as other special unit awards. The requirements
for the Bronze award is tailored to our program
to initiate and train new recruits. Coed members will
have the option to pursue Victorian “civilian”
interests as well.
This Venture Crew has the privilege and
responsibility of maintaining the
Council’s program equipment, which includes
tents, period camping equipment, belts, leather
goods, carbines and howitzers. Individuals will
be required to provide their own basic equipment
as below: |